lunes, 9 de julio de 2018

New powerful Tour Operator Client : GREEN RIDE TRAVEL

Very honored in ROMBO Tourism Software for counting in our Premium Clients to Green Ride Travel from Costa Rica!

We wish you the best success with the use of the tool and have our support at all times!
#eeuu #mexico #panama #costarica #guatemala #spain #england #peru #bolivia #peru #cusco #arequipa #ecuador #chile #argentina

Congratulations GREEN RIDE TRAVEL

domingo, 8 de julio de 2018


ROMBO Management Software for Tour Operators, Receptive Agencies, Carriers and Tour Leader: After so much waste of paper, duplication of tasks, lack of use of resources and much more ... ROMBO with more than 120 functions is an Efficient and Agile way to improve your processes!
ROMBO is UNIFORMITY, CONSISTENCY, GROWTH AND PAPER LESS! #software #resources #waste #less #itmanagement #touroperators 

THE MOMENT IS NOW! Tel .: +506 8535 4295,

jueves, 5 de julio de 2018

We are looking for a Capitalist Partner

We are looking for a Capitalist Partner to invest in the great challenges that ROMBO has in the short, medium and long term.
ROMBO has proven to be an application that has the language of tourism, which is easy to use, which is a powerful tool of work.
We also want to have an impact on the development of the towns, assisting microentrepreneurs and rural tourism through Corporate Social Responsibility.
You can send your investment intentions:

viernes, 29 de junio de 2018

Tour Operator : Tailor Made Itineraries and Quotations

Incoming Tourism Agency and Tour Operator: You look for a Software that allows you to make Tailor Made Quotes and Itineraries, ROMBO DOES IT! ACQUIRE IT TODAY !!! #software #tailoring #tourism #touroperator #touroperador #apavit #asoptur #canatur #inguat #calitur #peru #mexico #guatemala #honduras #madrid #rome #brazil #paraguay #argentina #chile #panama #bolivia #ecuador #belice #cuba #latinamerica #latam Email:

lunes, 25 de junio de 2018

What is ROMBO Software - A first look!

What is ROMBO Software?

A question that many professionals of Receptive Tourism do! Then we provide the following explanatory video in a first exploration of the capabilities of ROMBO, in which it consists, the different modules, etc.
This video is a series of explanatory videos that we will be providing in the next days and that is available for every Receptive Agency, Tour Operator, Carrier and Tour Guide.
This video is in Spanish language!

Tourism Businessman of Latin America: Do you need IT Consulting, a Custom Software Solution?

In ROMBO Software we also offer Consulting in Information Technologies applicable to Tourism, we can also design, analyze and develop Database Software tailored to your company, Internet connection, web pages, social networks, specific applications for iPads, iPhones and mobile devices!
More than 20 years of IT experience applied to Inbound Tourism in Latin America
Ph.: +506 8535 4295 , Skype: aabarquero , Email:
#filemaker #latinamerica #tourism #touroperator #tourismconsulting

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018

Software para Tour Operadores en Latinoamerica a la MEDIDA

Quieres una Consultoría en Software para Turismo Receptivo? En Latinoamérica cientos de Micro y Pequeños Tour Operadores requieren de un Sof...