jueves, 5 de julio de 2018

We are looking for a Capitalist Partner

We are looking for a Capitalist Partner to invest in the great challenges that ROMBO has in the short, medium and long term.
ROMBO has proven to be an application that has the language of tourism, which is easy to use, which is a powerful tool of work.
We also want to have an impact on the development of the towns, assisting microentrepreneurs and rural tourism through Corporate Social Responsibility.
You can send your investment intentions: info@rombosoftware.com

2 comentarios:

  1. Project funding program. We offer flexible financing for various projects according to the usual procedures. This funding program enables a customer to make a low-interest repayment of only 2% per year for a period of 2-20 years. We can approve funding up to $ / EU50,000,000.00 or more depending on the nature of the business, . Reply to us with the following email: medallionfinance@financier.com

    Also, we pay commission to Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers who introduce project owners for finance or other opportunities. In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefit of all parties involved. Looking forward to rendering the best of our services to all esteemed clientele globally.

    Mr Adams S.
    Medallion Financial

  2. Project funding program. We offer flexible financing for various projects according to the usual procedures. This funding program enables a customer to make a low-interest repayment of only 2% per year for a period of 2-20 years. We can approve funding up to $ / EU50,000,000.00 or more depending on the nature of the business, . Reply to us with the following email: medallionfinance@financier.com

    Also, we pay commission to Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers who introduce project owners for finance or other opportunities. In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefit of all parties involved. Looking forward to rendering the best of our services to all esteemed clientele globally.

    Mr Adams S.
    Medallion Financial


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